A franco-italian documentary filmed along the ligurian cost of Italy, in the “Cinque Terre”, a group of 5 small villages of fragile beauty, perched on the hillside and listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.
A site shaped over time by the local people who have patiently and tenaciously built, stone by stone, cultivation terraces that are now under serious threat from erosion linked to climate change and the decline in agriculture.
Unfortunately mass tourism has also become a problem for this area which needs to see the revival of local agriculture-farming that is good for the soil and sustainable fishing that takes care of marine ecosystems.
PERSEVERANZA : it’s the portrait of a couple of winegrowers, Adeline and Ricardo, who, with strength and courage, have decided to safeguard ancient varieties of vines and revive abandonned terraces by favouring orgenic and biodynamic growing practices and soil regeneration.
Inspiring as much for their hardwork as for their connection with nature, they illustrate just how difficult it is to set up a farm at a time when we have never had such a need for small-scale farming to restore our ecosystems.
PERSEVERANZA : it’s also Lorenzo and Guido, one a marine biologist, the other a market gardener and fisherman, who together set up the first sustainable fishing company, promoting short circuits and raising awareness of the need to preserve marine ecosystems.
Over the course of the seasons, we follow them through their projects, their difficulties and their progress, gleaning sustainable, replicable and inspiring solutions for other areas facing the same challenges.
A film to get us thinking about our relationship with nature and how we can take care of it, but also about the way we travel and consume.
Ecriture, réalisation et images : Céline Beauquel
Assistante interprète et journaliste : Frédérique Basset
Relecture et interventions scientifiques : Marc-André Selosse
Ingénieur du son et voix off : Eric Maugerard.
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