
After an unschooled childhood in the Vosges Mountains, kept busy observing wild animals, learning the names of the trees, listening to the silence of the forests, living at nature’s pace as the seasons go by, I studied Cinema and History in Lyon before adding to my knowledge of nature with experiences in environmental education and agriculture, and then turning to journalism and documentary.

Through documentaries, photo and video reports, short films and press articles I pass on my passion for nature, for all the living beings in ordre to raise awareness of the beauty and the fragility of biodiversity.

I’m questionning today’s environmental issues including the loss of soil fertility, the ravages of mass tourism on vulnerable ecosystems, the development of virtuous small-scale farming, the cohabitation of large wild predators with humains….

As an inquiring traveller, I bring back from my travels portraits of inspiring men and women who are committed to sustainable, humanist, innovative ways of living and working or simply hopeful for future generations.

Because optimism is more important than ever in our economic and ecologic context !

“Le réel quelquefois désaltère l’espérance. C’est pourquoi, contre toute attente, l’espérance survit.” René Char